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    So I bet a lot of people have talked about this and I just wanna bring it up(and I'm new here :D)

    I sometimes wonder what it's going to be when the final Potter movie will be released and there's no more Potter movie to look forward to. We prolly have the HP encyclopedia but after that there's no more Potter books or movies anymore (unless JKR feels guilty for us and decides to write more). I,myself, would prolly be a wreck after the end and i don't know what I'm going to do.

    What will you guys feel like after the end?
    • CommentAuthoraphotik
    • CommentTime10 hours ago
    Ive gotten kind of used to moving on after a trilogy. First Star wars, then the Matrix, the LOTR, and now Harry Potter. You just have to move on and something else will come along that you will get obsessed with.