i did not like how they added the fight scene at the burrow and made it catch on fire. it never showed them fixing the burrow so does that mean it burnt down? if it did, the trio would not be able to go there in the deathly hallows.
also, they did not add fleur and bill and how they will get married which is an important scene in the deathly hallows..
I didnt like it at all
they missed too much out!
and added stupid scenes
they missed all the memorys of the gaunt family and some horcrux's
bill and fleur
tonks being upset on lupin
dobby n kreatcher werent in it either
neither was moaning murtle
and were harry was froze under the invisibilty cloak at the end wer snape kills dumbled, didnt happen
i mean wtf please?
david yates needs sacking
OOTP was crap too!
I have read all the books a few times and must admit I have become rather bais in my thinking to what is important as an inclusion to this film and it's story line. I cant understand why Yates and the script writer felt it important to add two new scenes
and to omit vital parts of the story. Some movie critics have noticed this as well. "The movie seems to assume people have read the book, but if one has not it would be rather difficult to follow the plot" (Stratin at el 2009).
Yates in my option has also made a mess of the Phoniex ,and I am afraid he will do the same to the "Deathly Hallows". I believe J.K.Rowlings had placed cues, teasers and important insights into the story line and it's chartacters but Yates and his script writer's had failed to notice this. A good example of this would be the Role of the "DA" and the final fight in the last chapters of the book (Half Blood Prince), the involvement of the Ministery Of Magic throughout the story and finaly the roles of Dobby and Kreacher. Still I enjoyed the movie and it has been mentioned in this forum already, the book is always going to be different to the movie.
okay just got back from seeing the movie i loved it! they did leave out some stuff though how about the part where harry gets kicked out of the dursleys and dumbledore comes and reminds aunt petunia about her promise to take care of harry and how the protective magic will be lifted off when harry is 17. i did miss this and the gaunt memories. i thought they did a good job with the horcrux and it was hinted at that harry could be one! i of course have read the book and got all of it my friend who came with me has never read the book and she missed a little bit so i sent her home with the book after all were going to see it again anywayz so i thought it was as good as a movie can be i loved it and the books are always more descriptive so we should expect that people!!! i think another thing they missed is more of a fight between the good side and the death eaters but at least they focused on harry and snape and bellatrix destroying the castle was good. she is so evil! so overall i loved it!.